Monday, April 19, 2010

Hello Fabulous!

Good Morning Friends! This past weekend our weather was in the mid 20's and it was wonderful. Sunshine- I love you! What does this mean? That we want to be outside every chance we get and that means no scrapbooking! It does however give you an opportunity to take photos to scrapbook during our long cold winter here in fabulous Canada! Always an upside! So don't fret if you think you're getting behind, get outside, enjoy the sunshine! You'll catch up later! (famous last words).
I wanted to say thanks to everyone who has already bought one of my demos, I have sold half of them and I know they're all going to fabulous homes! Remember, if the photo is still up, you can still get it! Also, don't forget about my giveaway here, you have one more week to enter.
Today's inspiration is all about art journals! A fun, new creative outlet that you can take with you outside and on your travels! See, we can still get our creative fix even if we're not scrapbooking! Check out my post over at the Inspiration blog. Enjoy!
Have a wonderful week!

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